Devil's Carnival

So, I was on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.Com recently and I saw there was a review for some movie called Devil's Carnival by Paw. Well, I checked it out and found that it was a very interesting-looking movie. In fact, I discovered it was a sort of spiritual sequel to Repo! The Genetic Opera which was a movie/musical I quite enjoyed even if Paris Hilton was in it. The fact that it feels like she doesn't act so much as show up on set, attempt to sing, and lose her face really helps things though. So, after watching the review, I realized that I'd seen this on Netflix for quite some time. In fact, Netflix kept telling me to watch it, but I ignored the suggestions because I ignore most of the things Netflix tells me to do. I don't like watching movies computers tell me I'll like... or TV shows. Or really anything really. I don't like being told what to do. Hell, that's why I still won't read Lord of the Rings ... mostly. Also I just can't. I want to, ...