The Doctor's Weapons

Urgh... So... I really like Doctor Who . I really, really do love Doctor Who . I also really liked David Tennant's portrayal of the Doctor. Heck, every portrayal of the Doctor I've seen thus far has left me pretty happy. It's hard for me to dislike the Doctor, in fact. However, I do have one problem with the Doctor, ESPECIALLY DAVID TENNANT'S... and that is, his behavior towards guns. I think this is mostly due to my background. I come from a family of hunters and from a very young age, I was basically taught how to handle and fire a variety of firearms as well as safety rules behind such things. If you broke the safety rules in my family, you were banned from touching all of the firearms and the other kids in the family made fun of you while they got to shoot at the pop cans. In short, to me a gun is just like any other weapon: a knife, a bow and arrow, a sword, a tazer, your own hands . Yes, they are dangerous. Very dangerous, but they are also dead useful...