Magical Realism

By Julie de Waroquie r One of my favorite things in books and movies and TV shows and anything is when you're left with a sort of mystery. Was it magic or wasn't it? Could the psychic really predict what was going to happen or was she just a really good fraud? Are there little hints of the supernatural that I overlook, or am I just overly imaginative? It leaves things open-ended, room for more imagination to get it. I love it! So, when I was living in Connecticut, I went to a writing conference . I had a lot of fun and I learned a lot about writing and publishing. While I was there, I stumbled upon something called "Magical Realism". I wasn't sure what it was. It was in a list of Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror books and along with some other strange and wacky things (Steam Punk and Diesel Punk anyone?), but it caught my eye a bit more. I mean, I like to write my stories in what people like to think of as "The Real World", but I always like ...