The 12th Doctor

So, I recently found out Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who at the Christmas special. I know there's been rumors for a while, but I really like the 11th Doctor and Time Lords only have 12 regenerations so the more the show runner waste them, the more pissed off I get because I don't want to see the utter ass-pull that leads to the Doctor having more than 12 regenerations. That will piss me off. Now, with that in mind, I want to speak my mind about Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor... From the moment I started watching Doctor Who , I did do my research. I still haven't seen all the episodes of the Old Series, but I did read about the Doctor and look up the pictures of the previous eight (at the time) Doctors as well as memorize their names: William Hartnell (3 seasons and a serial)-- Age 55 at beginning of tenure Patrick Troughton (3 seasons)--Age 46 at beginning of tenure John Pertwee (5 seasons)--Age 51 at beginning of tenure Tom Baker (7 seasons)--...