Batman vs. Superman

I make no secret that I prefer Batman to Superman.  A lot of people have made a lot of arguments previously for why Batman is better than Superman.  A lot of strange and alien people have made a lot of arguments for why Superman is better than Batman; sadly my cousin, Jillian, is one of those strange people.  However, it wasn't until recently when I was thinking over a conversation with my career counselor that I realized the reason why Batman is better than Superman especially to me.

See, I've made the arguments.

I've written the required statements about how Batman would beat Superman because he's crazy prepared and has a nice chunk of Kryptonite in case Supes ever goes rogue blah, blah, blah...

However, why is Batman and inspiration to me while Superman isn't?  They both work to improve the world.  They both have a strict moral code that prevents them from killing people.  They both have a huge weakness for women.

So why Batman over Superman?

It's very simple and it stems from my favorite thing about Batman that I say all the time without really thinking about it.

Batman is an ordinary man named Bruce Wayne.  Everything he does... everything he is... he had to work to become that.  He wasn't born with superpowers.  He had to work his ass off to get himself in pique physical condition so that he could fight crime and make a difference in the world.  He had to study forensics and such so that he could become the greatest detective.  Granted, everything he does is based on the fact that he's a traumatized man still working to get his parents back which will never happen, but that dedication is admirable to someone like me. Yes, Batman had a silver spoon shoved in his mouth and up his butt since birth, but that would've only helped him with some of the technical aspects.  The rest was all him.

On the other hand, you have Superman.  He's not even a human.  He's the alien equivalent of Mighty Whitey come to save all us human folk from ourselves.  Where the hell does he get off doing that anyhow?  With Batman around, we can obviously handle ourselves.  Thank you very much Mr. Superman Sir, but, like E.T., GO HOME!!!

I mean, he even tries to dress and act like us with that idiotic Clark Kent act.  I'm pretty sure the world was just humor Mr. "I'll wear glasses and pretend I'm someone else while I destroy typewriters" in the hopes that he doesn't go berserk and kill us all.

Y'all know how dangerous them alien folk are, blowin' up the White House and shit...

Then again, I get it.  A lot of people want to be the type that doesn't have to work for their victories and take the easy ride.  Superman could go try to reintegrate himself on a planet that doesn't leave him with such an advantage over the populace, but he chooses to meddle in our affairs.  How lazy is that?

I mean, I'm naturally book-smart, I've never had to work hard in school to get good grades.  I know how easy it can be when you've got something close to a free ride.  I really do.  It's nice.

But do you know what's nicer?

Working hard to get to some goal or another and finally reaching it and being the best!  You know why? Because you appreciate it more, because when you are on top in the end it's not just the feeling of "Yeah! I'm on top!" it's the feeling of "Yeah! I finally did it AND I'm on top! WHOO!!!".

Batman had to do that.  Superman didn't.

So why do I like Batman better than Superman? Because I'm not a lazy ass!  Now I just have to get started on that novel I'm rewriting...


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