Doctor Who: The Web Planet

BUGS!!! Well, this looks like a giant bugs serial. Again. Well, the second one of the series. The first one involved everyone being shrunken. I hope they're all normal-sized this time. If we have spiders, they better be fake! Anyhow, this serial ran from February 13 to March 20, 1965 and consists of six episodes. I don't know any more about this serial other than giant bugs, pulled to a planet, and Doctor Who . On with the show! Three Hours Later ... God! What a boring episode! And the villain was a spider... thing... Anyhow, this episode can be summed up relatively quickly. The Doctor, Ian, and Barbara fight a spider-thing called Animus and help a species of moth-people called Menoptra to take back their planet. So, it's six episodes of boring revolution, fighting mind-control and mind-controlled ants. You'd think it'd be exciting or at least engaging, but instead I fell asleep during the episode and essentially missed nothing. The most entert...