Doctor Who: The Web Planet

Well, this looks like a giant bugs serial. Again. Well, the second one of the series. The first one involved everyone being shrunken. I hope they're all normal-sized this time. If we have spiders, they better be fake!  Anyhow, this serial ran from February 13 to March 20, 1965 and consists of six episodes. I don't know any more about this serial other than giant bugs, pulled to a planet, and Doctor Who.

On with the show!

Three Hours Later...

God! What a boring episode!

And the villain was a spider... thing...

Anyhow, this episode can be summed up relatively quickly. The Doctor, Ian, and Barbara fight a spider-thing called Animus and help a species of moth-people called Menoptra to take back their planet. So, it's six episodes of boring revolution, fighting mind-control and mind-controlled ants. You'd think it'd be exciting or at least engaging, but instead I fell asleep during the episode and essentially missed nothing.

The most entertaining part of the episode? The cheesy special effects.

Everything else just made me yawn and want to go back to sleep. The characters even nearly take a nap at the climax. True, Animus is making them so it can eat them, but that hardly matters to me.

I can't believe I sat through three hours of that!

I hope the next episode, The Crusade, is better. Then again, it's short!


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