Some Story Ideas I've Been Cooking Up

Well, in the past few months, I've had a lot to think about, mostly revolving around life, death, escapism, Doctor Who, friendship, loyalty, cruelty, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, autoclaves, work place injuries, low fat diets, sexuality, Doctor Who, unicorns, nature, pets, ferrets, the Ender's Game movie, Doctor Who, aliens, Power Rangers, paint chips, ghosts, Doctor Who, Agrippina the Younger, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Frozen, the British Royal family, sanity, what makes people insane, schizophrenia, what makes people homicidal, homicide, Doctor Who...

You know, a lot of things.

Most of it did involve Doctor Who and I'll give you my reviews of the 50th anniversary special and the Christmas Special, and Frozen, and everything else in a timely manner. I'm going to have to go into overdrive to get this blog back fully online. I've got movies and books to review, opinions to express, story ideas to work on, and by New Years, a new fictional blog to start.

So let's talk about my ideas.

Most of you have an idea of the world my stories generally inhabit with a multiverse, Porfirio, and The Lilac Cafe. If not, you either haven't read some key blog posts I don't remember, or you don't know me in person since I sometimes never shut up about this world. I'd live there if I could be one of the people in charge of it, but being the person who imagines the world, I'm in charge on the outside just fine, thank you!

Well, I'm never imagining stories outside that world again. I made that world, my characters who live there are perfectly happy (actually most of them aren't, but that's not entirely my fault... blame the world I live in!), I'm pretty happy with it. It works for the subject matters I like to write about.

So, what kind of stories am I mentally working on right now? Well here they are with in-progress titles.

  • The Sacrifice: This is a story that's going to be sort of my first attempt at the Baccano! way of story-telling. There are interlinked arcs in one story all of it revolves around a sacrificial ritual that either ends the storyline, kickstarts the storyline, or is the apex of the story. The "main character" of one arc is Ashling Cooper, a normal girl who accidentally earns the ire of Nemo and spends the remainder of her existence either trying to get free of Nemo's... attentions or killing Nemo. Tyresius, a blind wizard who is immortal due to a ritual that sacrifices the life or lives of innocent, unknowing humans for more years to live. He can also see the future, and he has a mission to create a being to "fix" the universe by destroying it. A third storyline revolves around a mysterious figure called "The Lady" and the people she influences with her existence. I'll go more into this inthe future because I can't let go of this story, but it is temporarily on hold while I think through every level of the story to make sure it works. However, I do have some parts started and I may post bits I really like for review.
  • Immortality: This story revolves around an as-yet unnamed girl who live in my world. So far the idea is that she goes on a date with a boy who's very much involved in the crazier elements on my world. She has one magical, eye-opening night and wants nothing more than to have more adventures. Then, the boyfriend dumps her to "protect her" because she's "merely human". Without his protection, she goes off to find out more about the universe on her own and inevitably ends up in mortal danger. In my world, that ends one way: she dies. Except, in this girl's case, she doesn't die... because she can't for some unknown reason. The story from there is about her trying to find out WHY and the adventures she has on account of that.
  • Chaos Theory: The story of Amanda Palmer, a girl who finds her life hijacked when Coyote decides she'd make the perfect shop assistant for his magical shop, Chaos Theory. I used to have a fictional blog around this.
So, there's my three main ideas, they need some work. The last one will need a total reworking, but I can't wait to get started. I'm also going to do some reviews of things I've seen and read over the past eleven months and just dive back into this blog thing I've neglected so much!

I will tell you, I'm still the weird person who wrote about her fascination with Blue People!


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