Character Profile: Alec
Full Name: Alec Maximillian Wilson
Nick Names: Alec
Gender: Male
Age: 86
Birthday/year: February 14, 1929
Marital Status: Single
Spouse: Single
Hair: Short, well cropped and brown
Eyes: Hazel
Origin: Born in Powell County, Kentucky
Language: English and Latin
Blood Type: B+
Height: 6'1
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Stocky, well-built, strong with a strong jaw line and chin. He has several scars and tattoos all over his body for the various works of ritual magic he has performed upon himself.
Race/Species: Alec was born human, but he's ever trying to become something more than human.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Alec was raised by his parents Lynwood and Mary Wilson.
Siblings: Alec had three older siblings: Roscoe, Thomas, and Josephine. He also had two younger siblings: Rita and Jonathan.
Friends/Allies: Porfirio, Coyote, himself, Jack Caine, Azrael, Magenta, and that's about it.
Enemies: Anyone who gets in the way of his goals for immortality.
Beliefs/Religion: Deist. God exists, but he doesn't care.
Career/Past Careers: Alec began life as a farmer with his father and siblings, but he found the job of farming to be boring and dull and he just didn't like working the earth. So, he apprenticed himself to a wandering magic man. He learned the true art of magic from this man and became a professional magic-user and immortal.
Dreams/Life Goals: Alec wants to live forever so he can always see what will happen next.
Hobbies: Alec exercises daily. He practices a number of martial arts. he likes to play football, baseball, and basketball. He enjoys reading history and science books and seeing how much humans get wrong. He enjoys dancing with pretty women at clubs. He also is a fairly decent chess player when he is so inclined.
Likes: Alec likes being in control of a situation. He likes being in situations where he doesn't know what will happen next because it's exciting. Alec likes cheeseburgers, especially with all the fixings if they're big and meaty (not the shite from MacDonald's).
Loves: Alec loves a nice medium-rare steak where the steak is so juicy it doesn't even need steak sauce. He loves BLTs. Alec loves the idea of living forever and experiencing everything there is to experience in existence. He loves sleeping with pretty women.
Dislikes: Improperly made cheeseburgers. Alec doesn't like people who question his authority in things. He doesn't like when other people are in control of situations, preferring to be in control or have no one in control. He doesn't like eggs.
Loathes: Alec hates anyone who is ordinary who doesn't strive to be more like he is. He also hates people who think they're special or more special than he is.
Fears: Alec will die alone, unknown, and more importantly, without experiencing everything.
Strengths: Alec is intelligent and clever. He knows how to use his strengths to their fullest and he has a lot of strengths. He also knows how to take care of himself and his body so that he can better utilize it for whatever he needs to use it for. He knows what he generally wants to use his body for. He also knows how to get what he wants.
Weakness: Alec is only human and he has to work very hard to be more than that. He works at it every day. He also is a bit of a sociopath who sees people as pawns to be used and thrown away in his journey for immortality. He doesn't care about people at all and most people see him as an asshole as a result.
Good Qualities: Alec is strong and hard-working. He's had to work hard all his life to get what he wants. He's kept his body as clean of any unnatural substances as possible in his quest for immortality. He's stayed out of the sun and stayed away from things that might harm him. He has amazing self-control.
Bad Habits: Alec can be quite a messy guy when he isn't trying to keep himself clean. He tends to work hard to keep himself clean however possible.
Turn Ons: Alec likes a strong, independent woman who works hard at keeping herself strong and healthy as possible.
Turn Offs: Women who let themselves go and don't put any effort into bettering themselves.
Normal Talents: Alec is strong, Athletic, and hard-working.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Alec is a natural born thaumaturge with all the basic thaumaturgical talents. He's also skilled at ritual magic and has done a number of rituals to make himself as close to immortal as possible.
Temperament: Alec is an introvert who gets along well with people. He can be charming when he tries, and he rarely tries because he doesn't see people as being worth it. He's very independent, believing other people are a waste of time and preferring to do everything he wants himself for himself. He's also hard-working because you can't be independent if you aren't willing to put some elbow grease into life.
Background: Alec was born in 1929 near Powell County, Kentucky. He grew up in a poor farming family who worked on the property of a richer farming family. He worked the land with his family until one day a wandering magic-user came through the farm, performing tricks for food. Alec liked what the magic-user was doing and decided to follow him, eventually becoming the magic-user's assistant. Through this person, named Norman Oliver, Alec learned the basics of magic and was able to eventually perform a magical working where he killed his teacher ritualistically so that he could stay young for as long as he lived. After that, Alec travelled about as an independent free agent, performing magic tricks for fun and show and in private to improve his chances of immortality.
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