Character Profile: Kylie Foster

Character Name: Kylie Foster

Full Name: Kylie Elizabeth Foster

Nick Names: Kylie

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Birthday/year: 1992

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: Single

Hair: Short, dark brown, almost black, held away from her face with various clips.

Eyes: Dark blue.

Origin: Born in Dayton, Ohio

Language: English with a smattering of French

Blood Type: As a human, her blood type is O+. As her natural species, her blood type is typical of her species and actually blue in color.

Height: As a human her height is 5'8. In her natural form, her height is closer to six feet tall.

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: As a human, she's tall, of medium build (skinny for her height). She has olive skin and dark hair. In her natural form, her skin is more grayish in color with large, dark feathered wings. Her hads are bigger with an extra joint on each of her long fingers.

Race/Species: Though Kylie appears to be human and was raised a human, she is in fact, a race that calls themselves infernals. Infernals are from a different universe where they were the main race in a never-ending war against the eternals, a different race that considered themselves superior. The end result was the universe was destroyed, but before that happened, some infernals and eternals sent their children to other universes disguised as children of those particular universes.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Kylie was raised by her adoptive parents: Linda and Michael Foster.

Siblings: Kylie is an only child.

Friends/Allies: Kylie has a few friends: Tom Brown and Anise Butler, but that's it.

Enemies: A number of people who are against any return of infernals to any universe.

Beliefs/Religion: Raised a Christian, but secretly a deist.

Career/Past Careers: Kylie works at a tissue bank as a central supply technician.

Dreams/Life Goals: Kylie wants to be a college professor at a college teaching science. She'd most like to be happy in her future.

Hobbies: Kylie reads and writes in her free time. She tends to write bad poetry mostly. She also likes to put together puzzles and doing Sudoku puzzles as well. She also enjoys watching plays and movies of any kind.

Likes: Kylie likes simple things. She likes reading romance novels and fantasy novels. She likes Dune by Frank Herbert. She enjoys watching stupid romantic comedies.

Loves: Kylie loves her parents. She has a slight crush on Tom Brown. She loves watching people play chess, but not participating. Kylie loves smoking. There's just something freeing about it. Kylie loves books.

Dislikes: Kylie dislikes overly complicated things, like serious relationships with people. She doesn't like books like Game of Thrones where they aren't straightforward, simple, or happy. She doesn't like things that don't have definite happy endings.

Loathes: Kylie really hates people who seem to thrive on complicated things and spread drama. She also is going to hate the people who complicate her life by chasing her.

Fears: That her life is more complicated than it seems to be with danger and no straightforward "good guys". Her fear is going to turn out to be true.

Strengths: Kylie is smart, strong, and capable of thinking on her feet. She reads a lot of books and has a lot of book knowledge of the world.

Weakness: Kylie doesn't know anything about the magical world and she is limited by her fairytale view of the world. She sees the world in black and white, right and wrong. She sees people as inherently good or bad.

Good Qualities: Kyle sees herself as a good person and she does things to prove that to herself and the world. She does things she knows a good person would do because she has to be a good person because good people have happy endings and they're successful and Kylie can't be anything other than a good person for that reason.

Bad Habits: Kylie is a consummate smoker. Her favorite brand is Marlboro Smooths or Djarum Blacks.

Turn Ons: Kylie is attracted to people who are taller, stronger, and smarter than she is. They have to be at least as smart as she is and capable of proving it on a regular basis.

Turn Offs: Bad body odor and stupidity.

Normal Talents: Kylie is a smart, strong, capable girl who is very book smart because she loves to read things.

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: As a human, Kylie has no supernatural powers or abilities. As an infernal, Kylie has the ability to fly despite the fact that her body isn't aerodynamic. She also has the ability to devour magic from people by touching their heart chakra. She also has the ability to influence people to act on their deepest innermost desires, good or bad.

Temperament: Kylie is an introverted person who judges people very harshly. She sees the world in black-and-white and some people just aren't good. Other's are good without question and that's the way it is. She sees life as a giant chess match between good and bad and the good always wins because it is good.

Background: The first twenty-three years of Kylie's life was normal. She was adopted by her parents as an infant. She grew up in a normal household as an only child. When Kylie reaches her twenty-third year, she starts to revert to her natural form as an infernal and that's when things get very interesting.


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