Character Profile: Nemo
Full Name: Nemo
Nick Names: Nemo, No One, Alice Wunderkind
Gender: Female
Age: Timeless
Birthday/year: Nemo is without age. She simply always was and always will be.
Marital Status: It’s complicated
Spouse: Nemo has married several people in the past, but it usually ends badly for the person she marries.
Hair: Nemo’s hair can be any color she wants it to be. Usually she settles for bright colors or a range of colors
Eyes: Nemo’s eyes are a pair of empty black holes where eyes should be.
Origin: Nemo was born at the dawn of the universe in the space between spaces in the world that exists beyond all universes.
Language: Nemo can speak any language that has ever and will ever exist as well as some languages that will never exist.
Blood Type: Nemo’s blood is black, but like O+ blood, it can be put into anyone and they will probably survive, but they’ll be changed forever.
Height: Nemo can be any height she wishes. She usually settles for average female height being around 5’4 or 5’5 in height.
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Nemo is a shape-shifter of a kind so she can look however she wants to look. She's used this to great affect over the years. She prefers to look like a small, waifish girl with barely any muscle mass or breasts or anything to speak of.
Race/Species: Nemo is a member of a select group of beings known as Guardians. She is the Guardian of the Void, the space between worlds. She can take on any form or race though she does like looking humanoid. She also has abilities related to her status as Guardian of the Void. She is this universe's equivalent to a goddess.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Nemo has no parents. She emerged fully developed from the Void to guard the universes from it and protect the Void from the universes.
Siblings: The closest thing Nemo has to siblings are the other guardians.
Friends/Allies: Nemo has no real friends or allies. She is a free agent. There are people she deigns to favor such as Azrael and Amanda Palmer.
Enemies: Nemo is a free agent. She has no enemies because none are close enough to her equal to truly oppose her though many do dislike and act against her interests. Those people are worms she will crush under her heel if they get too annoying. She has a friendly rivalry with Porfirio, but it's all in good fun.
Beliefs/Religion: Nemo believes she is God.
Career/Past Careers: Nemo is the Guardian of the Void. Her whole existence revolves around guarding the Void.
Dreams/Life Goals: Nemo's dreams and goals are fleeting as she accomplishes her goals as soon as they appear. Her main goal is always to protect the Void and to keep it separate from the universes. Her other goal is to cause as much trouble for Porfirio as possible. Secondary goals include watching over Azrael and Amanda Palmer in her own unique fashion and causing trouble for those she looks upon with disfavor.
Hobbies: Nemo's favorite hobby is to choose a person, any person, and drive that person insane gradually over time until the person is desperate for relief. Then she kills that person when the person has fallen into despair.
Likes: Nemo likes darkness, those who possess a little bit of the Void within them, the scent of dust after rain (petrichor), the color black, the look people get when they are faced with her true awesomeness.
Loves: Nemo loves driving people into the Void. She loves those who see her for what she is and care for her anyways.
Dislikes: Things, bright light, the scent of flowers, the color purple, top hats, suits, beer, and drugs.
Loathes: People who hate the Void. Peons who believe they can hurt her in some way.
Fears: Nemo is virtually immortal. She is afraid of almost nothing. She is afraid Azrael will be separated from her forever, though she will never admit it.
Strengths: Nemo is an immortal who has the ability to shape-shift into whatever form she wants with the knowledge of ages. She can do whatever she wants whenever she wants however she wants and she knows it.
Weakness: Nemo can't see outside her own perspective. She sees the world from her point of view only and doesn't understand that other people might have points of view that are just as good as hers.
Good Qualities: Nemo protects her own. She will call down all of her powers to protect those she claims as her own.
Bad Habits: Nemo likes to sit cross-legged on the ceiling.
Turn Ons: Anyone who has a bit of the Void in them is attractive to Nemo.
Turn Offs: People who think they can be equal to Nemo in some way, shape, or form.
Normal Talents: Nemo is able to read people rather well at times and predict what they're going to do. She also has the experience of ages, having lived since the beginning of time and knowing she will live until the end of time when the Void is all that remains.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Nemo is immortal. She can shape-shift. She can defy the laws of nature whenever she wants. She is pretty much a goddess.
Temperament: Nemo is a fickle creature. She does what she wants when she wants to. When she loses interest in something, she immediately forgets about it. She's also very focused however. When she decides on something, like to make a person's life a living hell, she will focus all of her time and energy on that one single task.
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