Character Profile: Ellie Brown

Character Name: Ellie Brown

Full Name: Eleanor Josephine Brown

Nick Names: Ellie

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthday/year: August 10, 1988

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: None

Hair: Long, straight, blonde which she usually keeps in a ponytail or in a bun. She's been meaning to cut it so that she doesn't have to deal with it. She bleaches her brown hair blonde.

Eyes: Big and brown to some, Bright green to those with magic.

Origin: Dayton, Ohio 1988

Language: English with a smattering of Spanish

Blood Type: O+

Height: 5'9

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Ellie is build very solidly and slightly overweight with broad shoulders and a tummy and the usual things that indicate a solidly built, normal girl. She doesn't have very many scars, though she does have some roughness around her wrists where she was once tied up by crazy bronze men and her eyes are a freakishly bright green.

Race/Species: Ellie is mostly human with gifts from a veritable goddess of sorts.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Ellie was raised by her parents, Elizabeth and Frank Brown. Though most of the love and affection she desired she received from her aunts Lenore and Josephine.

Siblings: Ellie has a younger brother named Thomas and a younger sister named Sylvia.

Friends/Allies: The Mother, Porfirio, Nemo, Jack Cain, Loki/Coyote, Azrael, Cassandra Troy, Emery Clark, Benny the Cat, Coriander Puckett, Amanda Palmer, Mel, Magenta, The Alchemist, Tempus, Betty, and many more.

Enemies: The Council and any enemy of The Mother

Beliefs/Religion: Agnostic

Career/Past Careers: Ellie works at Hope Nursing and Rehabilitation Center... also known at Hope Sanctuary as a nursing assistant.

Dreams/Life Goals:  Ellie's greatest dream is to be able to return to the normal life she had before she found out magic existed. Barring that, she'd like to be able to control her powers and not have the Council after her for something she can't control.

Hobbies: Ellie loves books she loves to read science fiction and fantasy. She also likes to go for hikes. She's partial to gardening and yoga. She also tends to meditate when she's feeling imbalanced in any way. She also likes hanging out with her dragon friend in Snakey Holler.

Likes:  Ellie likes the simple things in life. She likes the sunshine first thing in the morning. She likes the sound of rain on the roof. She likes learning new things so long as they aren't too scary. She likes the look of rhododendrons. She likes playing with pixies. She likes the smell of snapdragons.

Loves: Ellie loves to paint pictures, especially watercolors. She loves to take care of the elderly or those who are too ill to care for themselves. She loves to help things grow. She loves to watch people play chess, but not play chess herself.

Dislikes: Ellie doesn't like the bright green color of her eyes. She doesn't like people who cheat or are unfair. She doesn't like people who would withhold knowledge from her. She doesn't like the smell of roses. She doesn't like the overwhelming scent of most flowers.

Loathes: Ellie hates the Mother a bit because of what she's done to Ellie, turning her into a bit of a freak and giving her aunt powers her aunt couldn't handle. She hates Minerva, The Alchemist's sister, for her part in Josephine's death.

Fears: Ellie is afraid the Council will somehow hurt her or her family in their drive to stop magic from hurting other people even though most magic she has experienced, while dangerous, isn't evil. She's also afraid magic or The Mother will somehow take over or destroy her own life and she'll never have a nice peaceful life of anonymity.

Strengths: Ellie is a smart girl with decent gardening skills and a decent ability to cook. She gets along with most people she meets even when she thinks they're completely nuts, she just plays along with what they say. Ellie is remarkably good at rolling with the punches once she gets enough breathing room to consider things.

Weakness: Ellie, while not unintelligent, isn't very creative. In fact, she's more likely to do what other people tell her to do than to think for herself to much. She bows to authority figures easily and listens to advice given, even when it's bad advice and sometimes even when she knows it's bad advice. She doesn't like taking responsibility for her actions.

Good Qualities: Ellie genuinely cares for her family and friends. She'll do anything for them. She also does her best to do what is right or what other's tell her is right.

Bad Habits: Ellie chews on her lip of the interior of her cheek, sometimes until it bleeds. She also has a bad habit of playing with her hair when she feels like she's being given poor or bad advice.

Turn Ons: Ellie's attracted to strong, dark, and handsome men of mysterious origins and men with accents. She likes an alpha type male who seems to know what he's doing or where he's going.

Turn Offs: Weak-willed, pale, weird guys who don't seem to have any direction or want her to tell them what to do.

Normal Talents: Ellie's a reader. She's very intelligent when it comes to book-smarts and she's got a small dose of street smarts to back her up. She

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Ellie has been granted  power from the Mother over nature. She has the ability to control plants, influence animals, and affect the weather with her emotions.  However, this gift is limited by when the Mother feels it is right for Ellie to use her powers.

Temperament: Ellie's a bit of an introvert who tends to bow to authority of any kind so long as it guides her the right way on multiple occasions. She likes to help people and feel she's helping people in whatever way necessary. However, she really enjoys reading and she's a bit antisocial.

Background: Ellie was born to Elizabeth "Beth" and Frank Brown, the oldest of three children. From a very young age, Ellie was pressured by her mother to be the responsible one, to grow up early, to take care of her younger siblings. One the other hand, her aunts, Lenore and Jo, encouraged Ellie to enjoy her youth and be young and let herself off the hook every once in a while. As a result, Ellie was very close to her aunts and never close to her mother. Her mother and father moved Ellie out of the City of Dayton and into Bellbrook when she was just entering high school so that Ellie could attend high school there with her siblings eventually. Ellie graduated, have done well and being in the top 10%. She now attends college for nursing while she works at Hope Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.

In 2013, Ellie's Aunt Jo died as a result of having developed powers she couldn't properly control leading Ellie to develop the same powers. After going on a journey to learn how to control her powers, Ellie met the source (The Mother) and the nature of her powers were changed to give her more control. Since then, Ellie has tried to reclaim her life and stay under the Council's radar.


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