Character Profile: Amanda Palmer
Full Name: Amanda Marie Palmer
Nick Names: Amy, Mandy, Manda
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Birthday/year: February 29, 1988
Marital Status: Single
Spouse: Single
Hair: Long, dark brown with reddish highlights. She usually wears it in a French braid or ponytail.
Eyes: Dark brown
Origin: Putnam, Connecticut
Language: English
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 5'8
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Amanda weighs about 120lbs and she's very, very thin, like almost unhealthy thin. She takes care of herself though, she just has a fast metabolism and someone happens to drink her blood every week. She has a scar on her neck where she's been bitten every week since 2011.
Race/Species: Human with English and Scottish ancestry.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Amanda was raised by her parents Jim and Mary Palmer
Siblings: Amanda has an older sister, Michelle, but they aren't close.
Friends/Allies: The Mother, Porfirio, Nemo, Jack Cain, Loki/Coyote, Azrael, Cassandra Troy, Emery Clark, Benny the Cat, Coriander Puckett, the Brown Siblings, Mel, Magenta, The Alchemist, Tempus, Betty, Moro, and many more.
Enemies: The Council and anyone else who's after her boss. Also, Loki/Coyote is kind of her enemy though she doesn't know it. Moro too.
Beliefs/Religion: Agnostic
Career/Past Careers: Amanda works with Loki/Coyote at a shop called Chaos Theory.
Dreams/Life Goals: Amanda dreams of getting a normal job where she doesn't work for a complete freak and provide him with blood on a weekly basis. She also wants a pony, World Peace, and for Porfirio to stop hitting on her.
Hobbies: Hanging out with her cat/best friend, Benny the Cat. Listening to music, especially symphonic metal and Emilie Autumn. Hanging out with her friend, Alice Wunderkind (also known as Nemo). Reading books about grand adventures.
Likes: Amanda likes lasagna as it is made by her mother, French bread, apples (especially the smell), people with a dry sense of humor similar to her own, the idea of a tall, dark handsome stranger who will take her away from her dreary life into a life of fun and adventure.
Loves: Her friends, especially Benny the Cat (who is also her pet cat... sort of), she loves to sort things and keep them in good order, she loves to play chess, especially against Tom Brown, her job even though she claims to hate it.
Dislikes: Pears, bacon, people with short tempers, people who don't get angry, Whovians who hate specific companions for stupid reasons, dark days without sunshine, and being tired at noon.
Loathes: The Council and anyone who says her boss is a threat to humanity while not trying to help other people either. At least her boss is in the business of giving people what they want even though it's not always good for them.
Fears: She will be stuck working in a shop for the rest of her life being a glorified servant of Coyote.
Strengths: Amanda Palmer is strong because she thinks for herself and does the best she can with what she has. She understands that she lives in a world where the supernatural are real and nine times out of ten they're after her, but she fights on and does the best she can with what she has. She learned basic magic. She plays with her cat. She makes friends where she can. She does everything she can to make herself as strong as possible because the alternative is giving up and letting the supernatural world take her life.
Weakness: Amanda is only human and she's a pretty weak one at that. She's not particularly gifted in magic. She doesn't have a penchant for thaumaturgy. She is just an average, everyday human that works in a shop for the magical and unusual.
Good Qualities: Amanda's one of those people who makes friends wherever she goes and she genuinely cares about the people she talks to. She can be in a conversation with a person for five minutes, get their life story, and remember it for years afterwards. She's a people person who generally likes people and likes to spend time with them.
Bad Habits: Amanda has a bad habit of cleaning her nails even when they aren't dirty and picking at the skin around them, creating hangnails when there are barely any. She also picks scabs and other skin issues. She just picks at things even when there's no problem.
Turn Ons: A tall, dark, handsome stranger who's going to sweep her off her feet and take her on an adventure of a lifetime, but when it comes to it, she'll settle for a man or a woman.
Turn Offs: Unhygienic people, men who don't look like they wash or comb their hair, men who smell oddly, women who are overly flirty, and people who just don't take care of themselves in general.
Normal Talents: Amanda has been taught some rudimentary self defense, mostly in the area of unarmed combat, but some armed combat as well. She's also smart, intelligent, and creative in a bind.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Amanda has received some basic training in magic, especially rituals. She also has a necklace that allows her to communicate telepathically with cats or anything vague feline. She also knows a lot about magical items and their use.
Temperament: Amanda is a nice, friendly girl with a dry sense of humor. She tends to be pretty straightforward about what she's feeling when she's feeling it. She rolls with things, mentally freaking out or even saving the freak-out for a time when she doesn't have people watching her. She's an extrovert who gets along really well with people to the point that she can usually get to know people in a short time, but remember them for years afterwards.
Background: Until Amanda Palmer was 23, she lived an ordinary life with her parents and older siblings. Then, she finished college and went looking for a full time job. She stumbled upon Chaos Theory and started working for Coyote as his shop assistant. She lived at an apartment with her friend, Jessica. After working with Coyote for some time, she was able to afford to move into an apartment on her own with her friend and cat, Benny. What she doesn't know is that Coyote is slowly shifting ownership of the shop from himself to Amanda Palmer and the transfer is nearly complete.
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