Character Profile: Cassandra Troy

Character Name: Cassandra Troy

Full Name: Cassandra Villanova Troy

Nick Names: Pythia, Cass, Seer, Villain, Troy, Troillus

Gender: Female

Age: 3214

Birthday/year: Summer 1199 BCE

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: Single

Hair: Long, curly dark brown hair that is very thick and usually worn in a braid of plait.

Eyes: Gray like Athena

Origin: Cassandra was born the princess of Troy, a city state near Greece, three millenia ago.

Language: English, Greek, Ancient Greek, Acadian, Trojan, French, Spanish, Latin, Romanian, Gaulish, Gaelic, Germanic, German, Norwegian, Swedish, French Canadian

Blood Type: B+, but what does that matter to her?

Height: 5'10

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Cassandra Troy is built a bit like an Amazon, tall for her gender and broad-shouldered with dark hair, skin, and features. She has a Grecian nose with the same kind of cheekbones. She isn't missing a breast or anything. In fact, Cassandra has only one scar across her stomach, like someone tried to slash her guts out with a sword.

Race/Species: Cassandra used to be a Greek woman, now she's something far superior to that having sacrificed much to be something better than a human.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: The King and Queen of Troy

Siblings: Hector, Paris, Deiphobus, Helenus (twin brother) and several sisters that aren't remembered in legend.

Friends/Allies: Porfirio, Nemo, Jack Cain, Loki/Coyote, Azrael, Benny the Cat, Emery Clark, Coriander Puckett, the Brown siblings, Amanda Palmer, Mel, Magenta, The Alchemist, Tempus, Betty, and many more.

Enemies: The Council and anyone who seeks to control magic and its practice for any reason.

Beliefs/Religion: Cassandra is an atheist. She is the closest thing to God that she knows.

Career/Past Careers: Owns and runs Hope Sanctuary (disguised as Hope Nursing Center)

Dreams/Life Goals: Cassandra hopes to protect others from magic in a less regulatory way and more in a "here's a place to stay after you've been hurt" sort of way. She hopes to save everyone hurt by magic through their own fault or through somebody else's. Cassandra is living her dream. Now just for the Council to stop causing more harm by limiting and controlling magic so that people end up more hurt when they decide to break the rules rather than getting educated about consequences before they break the rules.

Hobbies: Cassandra knits, sews, quilts, and crochets. She's also fond of reading and she owns a collection of historical nonfiction where she delights in highlighting anything that they get right or that isn't biased by the victors.

Likes: Cassandra likes things that are handmaid. She likes knowing something has received the personal touch. She also likes the scent of jasmine and lilacs. Cassandra likes looking at the stars and she likes candlelight. She also enjoys listening to Holst, Mozart, and Freddie Mercury.

Loves: Cassandra loves looking at fashion magazines and clothes. She loves seeing the high fashions in all their first-made glory. She loves dancing to music. She loves helping other people. She adores cats. She loves chocolate.

Dislikes: Cassanda does not like rap music. She doesn't like factory-made things like shoes and clothes. She doesn't like fast food. She doesn't like selfish or controlling people. She doesn't like eggs.

Loathes: Cassandra really hates the Council because she feels they do more harm to people than good with their way of controlling magic by forbidding certain kinds of magic.

Fears: Some stupid, selfish person is going to destroy her universe with their misuse of magic because the Council would rather make certain forms of magic forbidden rather than explain why they're not a good idea to do.

Strengths: Cassandra has superhuman strength, she's intelligent, and she's very talented magically with some skill in peering into the future. Cassandra is also a polyglot who has lived through many centuries so she has a lot of experience with existance.

Weakness: Cassandra will do anything to help anybody if they are injured even at a great personal cost to herself. She's also very eccentric and sometimes has trouble explaining things to people due to her old age.

Good Qualities: Cassandra is a bit of a bleeding heart. She loves helping the less fortunate. Unfortunately, everyone in the world is less fortunate than Cassandra in her opinion so there's no end to the people she needs to help.

Bad Habits: Cassandra's worst habit is assuming people understand her when she's talking even though they usually don't understand her. She tends to use phrases and ideas from all over history with her skill with languages that can lead to a lot of confusion.

Turn Ons: Cassandra isn't a sexual being so nothing is a turn on for her.

Turn Offs: Everything. Sex is gross.

Normal Talents: Strong, intelligent, well-built, and a craftswoman Cassandra has many talents she has nursed over many years of living. She's even a qualified doctor and psychologist.

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Cassandra is an immortal with the ability to light fires with her mind and see into the future. She also has considerable healing magic granted to her through rituals many of which were forbidden and costly.

Temperament: Cassandra is an odd duck. She has lived through many things and many times. She has seen the best of humanity and the worst of humanity and she chooses to help people every day because she can't think of doing anything else with her extremely long life. She has troube communicating with others, but that's mostly because she's so old that she sometimes forgets where she is and speaks the wrong language or uses the wrong phrases.

Background: Cassandra was born in Troy prior to King Priam and queen Hecuba. She was one of many daughters and the fraternal twin sister of Helenus. She was given to the temple of Apollo to learn magic and be a servant of Apollo as a vestal virgin. Porfirio took a liking of her and in the form of Apollo, he slept with her and taught Cassandra a ritual that would enable her to gain the ability to see the future. She taught this same ritual to Helenus, however. The cost of doing so was that her own prophesies were never to be believed. Cassandra was the first to turn down Porfirio's offer of love and sex as she didn't find it very appealing. Porfirio allowed her to get away with it.
When Troy fell, Porfirio secreted Cassandra away, saving her from rape and torture because he liked her so well because she was spunky and clever and she was willing to do magic that he thought was dangerous. She got her revenge in the history books by making herself into a tragic figure who no one loved or believed and everyone thought was mad. Porfirio delivered Cassandra to Circe under whom Cassandra became an apprentice, learning magic and many rituals, including one that gave her eternal youth by sacrificing her ability to create children (the slash across her stomach).

Cassandra lived for many years drifting around the continent, exploring the world before she settles into the New World and opened up Hope Sanctuary for people who need to heal after magical accidents. It's connected to the Lilac Cafe, thanks to Porfirio so it can appear anywhere when needed, but it's ostensibly located in Dayton, Ohio.


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