Character Profile: Benny the Cat

Character Name: Benny the Cat

Full Name: Benjamin Jonathan Kramer III

Nick Names: Benny

Gender: Male

Age: 169

Birthday/year: June 12, 1846

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: None

Hair: Tiger striped and ginger

Eyes: Deep green, typical cat eyes

Origin: Boston, Massachusetts 1846

Language: English and Cat as well as some Dog

Blood Type: What blood type does your character have? Is it human sort like O Positive or B Negative? Perhaps it is a space alien kind? Is it green or yellow or is it red like a human but is taken from a space alien?

Height: 9 1/2 inches

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Benny weighs ten pounds and he is very fluffy and very fat for  a cat. He has not been declawed.

Race/Species: Benny used to be a typical Caucasian male with red hair. Now he's a ginger cat.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Benjamin Jonathan Kramer II and Mary Elisabeth Kramer

Siblings: Jackson Daniel Kramer, Oliver Whitlow Kramer, and Sarah Annabeth Wilson nee Kramer

Friends/Allies: Porfirio, Nemo, Jack Cain, Loki/Coyote, Azrael, Cassandra Troy, Emery Clark, Coriander Puckett, the Brown siblings, Amanda Palmer, Mel, Magenta, The Alchemist, Tempus, Betty, and many more.

Enemies: The Council, anyone who wants his collar, Coyote sometimes

Beliefs/Religion: Benny is a God-fearing Christian who still attends church as a cat when he can sneak in.

Career/Past Careers: He is Loki/Coyote's and Jack Cain's pet cat sometimes. Other times he has deigned to be owned by rich old ladies.

Dreams/Life Goals: Benny dreams that someday he'll be human again and the curse that seems to affect every Benjamin Kramer in his family will be ended.

Hobbies: Benny's favorite hobby is hanging out in either Jack or Coyote's stores and looking at the merchandise. He likes to read, especially children's books from the animal's point of view. He also likes mystery novels. He likes teleporting into theaters and watching movies, especially old classic movies except ones where people throw food and dress up in costumes. Benny also enjoys teleporting to churches and watching the services.

Likes: Benny likes canned tuna, good music, not being molested by Porfirio, sleeping in the sunshine or on other people's beds, and the smell of flowers in the springtime. Don't tell anyone about the last one. They'll think he's a pussy.

Loves: Benny loves fresh tuna or salmon. He loves making pictures in the mud. For some reason he really loves tracking and killing mice and birds, but not eating them. He really loves the taste of cream even though it's bad for him.

Dislikes: Benny doesn't like people who know he's not really a cat but treat him like an ordinary cat anyway. He doesn't like teleporting to places he hasn't been before. He doesn't like when people rub his belly whoever they are.

Loathes: The only thing Benny the Cat absolutely loathes is anyone who tries to take his watch (collar) from him without his permission. Those bastards. He sometimes hate Coyote too, but mainly it's just the other thing.

Fears: He'll be stuck as a cat forever.

Strengths: Benny is a smart cat who's also tricky and very creative. He's adapted well to being an immortal cat. He's very pragmatic about the whole thing.

Weakness: Benny is slowly becoming more mentally catlike as time goes forward. He started hating water about fifty years ago. He enjoys bathing himself and eating things cats like to eat. He's terrified he'll eventually become completely cat and there will be no hope for him to return to normal. He clings to the human things he knows like religion and reading to try to chase away the catty-ness.

Good Qualities: Benny's a good guy who isn't above using his ability to teleport to help people, especially children, escape dangerous situations. He usually waits until they're unconscious, but he always saves small children from death or worse fates if he can. He's also generally a good guy whi isn't above pretending to be a cat for Cassandra Troy as a form of pet therapy. In fact, a lot of patients use him as a confidante.

Bad Habits: Benny tends to clean himself when he's nervous. He chases his tail when he's trying to look nonchalant when he really isn't.

Turn Ons: Benny likes pretty brunettes with brown eyes and an interest in reading. He really likes girls who like cats. He also is attracted to the occasional tortoise shell female feline.

Turn Offs: People who know he's not really a cat, but treat him like a genuine cat. He also doesn't like people who favor dogs or birds.

Normal Talents: Benny is incredibly well-read for a cat with very good cat-like social skills.

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Benny is an immortal teleporting cat that frequently steals magical items from Loki which make him telepathic as well.

Temperament: Benny acts like a typical everyday cat who is finicky about the people he's around, finicky about the things he does, and finicky about his everyday activities. Benny is just a bit picky about life. However, he's also pretty open to the rest of the world granted the rest of the world treat him like the royal cat he appears to be or the royal pain in the ass human he really is underneath all that hair.

Background: Benny was born June 12, 1846 to Benjamin Jonathan Kramer II and Mary Elisabeth Kramer, the oldest son of both parents. His younger siblings were born one after the other afterwards. Benny's life was normal, for a boy born to magic-wielding Boston socialites. He learned magic at a young age and when he was fourteen, his aunt Phyllis Kramer bought him a watch for his sixteenth birthday, right before he volunteered for the American military. The watch turned out to be the magical Watch which enables people to teleport. Instead of joining the military, Benjamin embarked on adventured teleporting wherever and whenever he wanted, setting his family up to make money. His father during this time died of a curse from a dark wizard and no matter what Benny did to try to change things, a curse somehow killed his father.
The Council found out about Benny's Watch during that time as well as the team of dark wizards who killed his father. The race was on between the two to secure Benjamin for their side or take the watch from him. In the end, the dark wizards caught Benjamin and turned him into a cat to force him and the watch to separate Benny from the Watch. It didn't work. Benny turned into a cat, and the Watch turned into a collar for the cat. Benjamin Kramer III disappeared from the annals of history.

However, Benny the Cat joined one of those local legends, wandering about, a mysterious ginger cat that can disappear and reappear at will. He and his great-great-great-great-great grandnephew, Jack Cain, spend a lot of time together discussing the apparent curse on their family that leads to terrible things to happen to anyone in their family named Benjamin Kramer.


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