Character Profile: Coriander Puckett
Full Name: Coriander Lousie Puckett
Nick Names: Coriander. Call her Cori or Andy and you die. Some may call her Mom or Grandma.
Gender: Female
Age: 79
Birthday/year: March 1, 1936
Marital Status: Married
Spouse: Bertram Puckett, deceased
Hair: Short, feathery and white like snow.
Eyes: Twinkling blue eyes that are a little bit squinty.
Origin: Born in Dayton, Ohio in 1936.
Language: English, Latin, Pig-Latin, and foul English
Blood Type: AB+
Height: 5'1
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Coriander Puckett looks and is built like a sweet little old lady with very, very good posture.
Race/Species: Coriander is 100% human with mostly English and Scottish blood in her veins.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Coriander was raised by her parents: Roscoe and Lily Brown
Siblings: Coriander had a sister named Margaret Brown who passed away several years previously.
Friends/Allies: Porfirio, Nemo, Jack Cain, Loki/Coyote, Azrael, Cassandra Troy, Emery Clark, Benny the Cat, the Brown siblings, Amanda Palmer, Mel, Magenta, The Alchemist, Tempus, Betty, and many more.
Enemies: Coriander Puckett is completely against Council and everything those blighters represent.
Beliefs/Religion: Coriander is a Christian, born and raised. She's actually a devout Catholic.
Career/Past Careers: Coriander is a retired teacher.
Dreams/Life Goals: Die quietly in her bed before her body completely betrays her and stops working.
Hobbies: Coriander embroiders and sews as well as quilts by hand. She also reads books and does other little crafts, especially making pillow cases. Her favorite books are paranormal romances. She also dotes on her three Siamese cats, and occasionally Benny.
Likes: Coriander likes the colors green and purple. She likes lilacs and lavender and most herbs. She likes fresh vegetables from her garden. She likes fresh picked wild flowers, especially Queen Anne's Lace. She likes the sound of rain on a tin roof. She likes the sound of rain on windows as well.
Loves: Coriander likes homemade or handmade things. She loves to cook and learn new recipes. She loves people who enjoy learning and have a passion for it. She loves her cats, Minerva, Freya, and Saraswati, very dearly.
Dislikes: Coriander dislikes ignorance of any kind. She doesn't enjoy loud music of any kind either. She really dislikes anything that disrespects women who she feels are the stronger sex in every sense of the word. She doesn't like children who see school as a sort of social club and not a place to learn. She doesn't like thunder or lightening. She's not fond of cold days it bothers her arthritis.
Loathes: Coriander hates willful ignorance above all other things. She hates people who wrong her family for any reason. She also really, really hates cottage cheese.
Fears: She will live past the point where she loses her mind and she will be a shell of her former self unable to care for herself and a burden to all.
Strengths: Coriander is a strong, intelligent older woman who has experienced much of life. She knew to love of a good man. She gave birth to wonderful children whom she raised to be fine citizens. She has led a good, magical life that she has enjoyed immensely and she's not done enjoying herself yet.
Weakness: Coriander is an old woman who is stuck in her ways and refuses to see the world other than the way she has seen it. She's stubborn, hard-nosed, and a bit narrow-minded at times. She also can be rather emotional at times. She tends to judge people quickly based on first impressions and those judgments stay with her even when people have proven they aren't exactly like what she thinks.
Good Qualities: Coriander has a gentle and loving heart that is open for anyone who is related to her and their friends. She doesn't judge those she loves harshly ever. She cares for them, recognizes, and encourages their best qualities while down-playing or dismissing their worst qualities. She's a genuinely good-hearted individual who loves her family dearly and will do anything for them. She's also never smoked, rarely drunk, and never did bad drugs.
Bad Habits: Coriander tends to play with her hair when she's nervous. When she's very upset she will drink, though usually not to excess. She also tends to look down on herself for her flaws and become overly emotional at the slightest hint of being abandoned or forgotten.
Turn Ons: There was one perfect man for Coriander Puckett and now he's dead. However, any tall, handsome man like him or Charleton Heston works.
Turn Offs: Short wimpy, weak men and ignorance. Also anyone who tries to hit on her who isn't her dead husband.
Normal Talents: Coriander is and was a talented teacher who enjoyed teaching younger generations what she knew. She still does enjoy this. She has the special ability to be able to identify how best to explain what she knows to others so they can best understand it. She doesn't understand science or math very well, but English, history, magic, Latin, religion, and similar subjects are her specialty. She understands them best and reads about them for fun so she's well-versed in that kind of knowledge. She's also a skilled artisan who can knit, sew, cook and an number of other simple, feminine, artistic pursuits. However, her cooking is always simple recipes done with excellance.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Coriander Puckett has no magical talent of her own except for some simple thaumaturgy and the ability to make potions and herbal mixtures which can heal or help others in various ways.
Temperament: Coriander is a strong, stubborn old woman. She has excellant posture and vocabulary which she can use to praise you to the rafters or tear you down until you're a glob on the floor. She's loving to her family, but she shows no mercy to anyone who crosses her. She can be the sweetest saint, but a real bitch when she's in the right mood and she never raises her voice above a certain level. In fact, she gets quieter when she's angry.
Background: Coriander Puckett was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1936, two years after her older brother was born. With her sister, they lived through World War II when their father went to war. They lived through the return from war and their father's drinking problems due to his PTSD. Coriander married her husband, Bertram Puckett when she was twenty-three years old and fresh out of college. They had two handsome sons and a lovely daughter who they doted on endlessly. Coriander survived her husband going to war, but not her children, thank God.
Coriander has
helped raise her grandchildren by all three children and taught them how to use
whatever talents God gave them whether they were miraculous gifts like her
sister was born to or normal talents in math and science that she didn't quite
understand but still cherished.
Coriander has even
survived her beloved husband's death, the death of her sister, and the death of
her favorite niece, Josephine. Now she's just biding time until she dies of old
age and trying to make sure that her corner of the world remains wonderful even
after her death.
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